All The Year Round

Yes, this is the time of the year when we remember,those no longer with us, or those who whom we would wish to be with,
but, remember this, the feeling should be a feeling all the year round. This world is a troubled enough place as it is, let
us, like Ebenezer Scrooge, see that light that shines within us all, and celebrate it, befriend it, love with it, be that
Let us then, also, remember those less fortunate than ourselves, bring them some of the the glorious light, again, not
just at this time of the year, but all the year round.
Let us remember those immortal lines uttered by Tiny Tim, in
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol,
God Bless Us, God Bless Us Everyone.


Mark Hutchinson, Ruth Angell, Ashley Hutchings, Jo Hamilton |
Albion Heart
Hard times made a gypsy of him Carried away on an emmigrant
wind Behind him the white cliffs were fading away The unknown horizon was calling With tears in his eyes he said
his goodbyes to England
Chorus So goodbye to my homeland Now we're apart I'll keep you in
mind, never leave you behind In my Albion Heart
She was born of higher degree And their love was shared secretly In
separate circles condemned by his class He left for America's shore Vowing to come back a gentleman one day to England
Chorus So goodbye to my homeland Now we're apart I'll keep you in
mind, never leave you behind In my Albion Heart
After seven long years the wind turned around And a gentleman now for England
was bound No longer a tradesman he came to her door With love in his heart overflowing He swept her away they married
that day there in England
Chorus So here in my homeland We never will part I kept you in mind,
never left you behind In my Albion Heart
![An Albion Christmas [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/albion.jpg.w180h183.jpg)
it was not a myth as some
would have us believe
it really did happen
"It was a day of peace in war,"
commented a German participant,
"It is only a pity that it
was not decisive peace."
from the BBC archives
Coope, Boyes & Simpson and
Wak Maar Proper.
Christmas Truce -
Kerstbestand (NMCD14)
Released: 1 November 1999.
A new album of live recordings of
Coope Boyes & Simpson
and sixty piece Flemish choir
with traditional carols and songs
written specially for this
Christmas Peace Concert.
First performed in Ypres Cathedral.
everything you need
to know about one of
the loveliest areas of
you really should visit this
website, Damon Hart-Davis
has done a bang-up job on this
collection of sightsand sounds,
and the best part is, you can use
them on your website, as we have
done here, example, the landscape
picture on the An Albion Christmas
page.Massive thanks go out to
Damon and all of the photographers
involved in DHD.remember to give
them a credit if you use any
of their pictures.
half way along the road
between Northampton
and Wellingborough.
this is their website.
